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Riga, Latvia
what to say... I love Latvia, I love people, and I love Jesus!!! Serving as a "lover of people" in Latvia with Josiah Venture.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Circling the runway…

I thought it would be good to give a little update on what is going on, just in case there are actually people who read this thing!

I am in a waiting pattern as we speak. I am working on raising monthly support. I am in need of people to come alongside this ministry and me and commit to monthly support. This is difficult to ask for! (Well all of the support raising has been a difficult and humbling time for me!) But all that to say I am definitely in need of more than just one time gifts. Please contact me if you feel lead to do so, or if you may know of people that would like to join this work of the Lord in Latvia.

I do have major news though! I am fully funded for my out going cost!! I am ready to fly, as soon as I have all the monthly support raised! Praise Jesus! I am so excited to see the hand of my Jesus just providing in amazing ways! Thank you to all who are reading this that have already given!

Other than that I have been so, (man, I don’t even know the word to describe it!) just Pumped (weak word for what I feel, sorry!) about this Jesus I am following and learning from! What an amazing blessing to be his disciple!!! I wish I could tell you the privilege it is to be called to follow Christ! I know some of you know exactly what I mean, and others are on their way to finding out!!
All I know is this homeless Jewish Rabbi, who is the incarnated GOD, the creator of everything I love, has called me out! Has called me to come, drop what I was doing, let go of what I was holding on to, and come follow him!!! And for the first time in my life, there is depth to that calling! I understand the ramifications of that call! Jesus himself believes I am capable of being his disciple!!! What?!!! All I feel like saying is,
“are you sure Lord? I am a pretty big mess of life. I am not sure you want me.”
But that is not my place to ask!
He is the Rabbi, he is the one who chooses who gets to follow him! So I am keeping my mouth shut and I am just going to trust that he knows more than I do what he is doing and who I am!

So, from this point on I want to be one step behind Him everywhere he goes! I want to soak him up, I want to learn his ways and follow! That’s it! And he says that I got what it takes!

This is crazy, but I am loving it!!!!!

Check out this amazing exerpt from a book I just finished reading! It is so true and puts missions in a better perspective for me and I hope for everyone!!! Check it out!

Missions then is less about the transpiration of God from one place to another and more about the identification of a God who is already there.

Perhaps we ought to replace the word missionary with tour guide, because we cannot show people something we have not seen.

It is almost as if being a good missionary means having really good eyesight. Or maybe it means teaching people to use their eyes to see things that have always been there; they just did not realize it. You see God where others don’t and then you point him out!

Have you ever heard someone say they were going to “take Jesus” to a certain place? What they meant, I assume, was they had Jesus and they were going to take him to a place, like China, or India or Chicago where people apparently didn’t have Him.

I would ask them if people in China and India and Chicago are eating and laughing and enjoying things and generally being held together? Because if they are, then Jesus, in a way that is difficult to fully articulate, is already present there.

So the issue isn’t so much taking Jesus to people who don’t have him, but going to a place and pointing out to the people there the creative, life-giving God who is already present in their midst.

It is searching for the things they have already affirmed as real and beautiful and true and then telling them who you believe is the source of all that. “I am here to tell you where I think it comes from…”

And if you do see yourself as carrying God to places, I can be exhausting.

God is really heavy.

Some people actually believe that God is absent from a place until they get there. The problem with this idea is that if God is not there before you get there, then there in no “there: in the first place.

Tour guides are people who see depth and texture and connection where others don’t. That is why the best teachers are masters of the obvious. They see the same things we do, but they are aware of so much more. And when they point it out, it changes the way we see everything. (68-69)

Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis