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Riga, Latvia
what to say... I love Latvia, I love people, and I love Jesus!!! Serving as a "lover of people" in Latvia with Josiah Venture.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Today was a GOOOOOOD day!

A complete blessing from the last entry! Jesus blessed me with a day that I cannot really put into words. (But I will try!)
So we celebrated Thanksgiving today. Yes Saturday instead of Thursday, but none the less, we celebrated it! And it was perfect!
Going from the feeling I had the days before this was a true gift from my Jesus. We spent the day hanging out, Scott and Brennen cooked pies in the morning, which set the mood for a great day because the smell sent me back into memories and just happy time together with loved ones.
Something happened this morning when I saw them cooking when I saw everyone around me who I love and who I have come to call family. Yes, this is going to be a good day!
And that it was.
Not only that, I was blessed to have Endija with me during this time too. Which made it more than I could have asked for. She is such a part of my life I could think of not having her with me. So it was such a great time just being with the Runzo’s, Paul, and Endija.

Thank you, My Jesus for the day!

Thank you to all of you who are reading this, who are supporting me, and loving me.

I am Blessed!


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