About Me

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Riga, Latvia
what to say... I love Latvia, I love people, and I love Jesus!!! Serving as a "lover of people" in Latvia with Josiah Venture.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Quick update...

Well, there is so much to talk about but I have no time! I am babysitting all four of the Runzo’s kids, a dog, cat and turtle, while they are in Chicago.
But the past week has been great and full of good things…
I spent the Easter Weekend with some of the orphanage girls at my new apartment… which was crazy fun, but tiring also ;)
We had a great time and some great talks as well!
Easter was quite cold here, and I found myself missing “home” and the feelings of spring, and just the Easter season… you all know what I mean!

Anyway I will be finished watching the kids on Monday, so I hope to have an update letter out by then…

Thank you for checking in… e-mail me if you want! I would love to hear from you… and I am not just saying that!!!

I miss you all!