This camp was full of energy and building relationships, new and old! It was an amazing camp for everyone involved! I was so deeply blessed to watch as the Lord moved throughout this week. We had 20 students from Kuldiga at he camp, a fourth of those not really wanting to be there at the beginning and some that had returned from last years camp.
We played crazy games, danced, sang, prayed, laughed, cried, and grew closer to Jesus together through long days and nights, full of spending our energy building into these students.
One student in particular made me smile. He was a 13-year-old kid who was very clear at the beginning of camp that it was not his choice to be there and that his parents had forced him to come so he could learn English! Two nights in we played a night game and he unfortunately ran his teeth into the elbow of one of the leaders and knocked his front teeth out! He had to go
When he got home to his mom that night, the story that came back to us from one of the leaders from Kuldiga was this; they said that when he got home full of blood and missing teeth, he looked at his mom and begged her, “ Mamma, Please let me go back. I promise I wont bust anything else, just please let me go back!”
Less than 24 hours later he was back and welcomed by the whole camp!!! Needless to say he felt something at that camp that was real and he did not want to let go of it!!! Praise Jesus!
Thank you for your continued prayers as we move into week 3 and our 3rd camp of the summer.
Thanks for sharing all that, and I love looking at the pictures too. So glad that Kuldiga camp was good and I'm praying for Vilandes too!
Keep it up my friend.
Love love love.
Thanks Jaycee for sharing!
Last week was awesome!
Thank you for all you did!
I'll pray for next camp and hopefully see you soon!
Have a bessed time!
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