About Me

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Riga, Latvia
what to say... I love Latvia, I love people, and I love Jesus!!! Serving as a "lover of people" in Latvia with Josiah Venture.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Real Quick...

I am finally going to the orphanage this weekekend... have not been there in a bout a month. two of my girls (the twins) are turning 18!!! ahhh!!! we will celebrate this weekend! (fun pictures to come!)

I am also waiting to here about when i can move to my new apartment... I am about to go crazy living out of bags, and not knowing where 3/4 of my stuff is!!! pray for me to have patience and shine Christ and not my fleshy frustration!!! please!!

Emotionally i am not doing so well! It started last night after a great chat with the fam (webcam style) This was the first time i have seen my family since i left. I thought i would be ok, and I actaully was and had a wonderful talk and great to see me neice and nephew, sister, and parents...
Got off the phone and was really happy...about an hour later i could not find the strength to smile! I have been quite down ever since. I just want to find a corner in this world where no one can find me and just cry!!! I think something big is going on in my heart and it is hard to explain, but it is deeper than missing "home".

please pray. thank you.


Chad&Polina said...
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Chad&Polina said...

hey pray for po and I , we are trying to get back to Latvia this summer and possibly for 6 weeks- maybe do some sort of internship, dont know what the deal is. Just trying to figure things out and buy tickets, but low on funds. Trying to trust Jesus with it and walking the fine line of faith and being strategic at the same time. May we be strong in dependency on Him and trust in Him, were prayin for ya sister

Lynn Shaffer said...

Hey girl...I love you and miss you. Heard that the thing with the apartment fell through. I'm sorry. Somehow I think something must be getting ready to happen because satan is trying to tear you down. Hang strong. You are incrediable. Love you tons!