About Me

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Riga, Latvia
what to say... I love Latvia, I love people, and I love Jesus!!! Serving as a "lover of people" in Latvia with Josiah Venture.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Where have I been!

It has been a while since I have been able to update you on the happenings around here. And for that I am sorry.
I left you as I was on my way to Sweden for a lovely reminiscing time with Susan. And that it was! The weather was great and the people were even better. One of our friends from our year also came to visit at the same time from Germany. Sweden is so beautiful around this time of year and we definitely took in as much as we could!

Here are a few pictures:

After the plane ride Me:TRYING to look cool Sooz:lookin cute!

A wonderful Fika with Wally and Donna Life time Friends

Hot! don't you think?

Had a little problems with our camp fire!!! hahah!!!
Click here for more pictures of my trip to Sweden

Summer has hit!
Yesterday was 32 degrees (around 85 Degrees Fahrenheit) with about 90 percent humidity!!! Haaaa breathe deep! ;D

But more than the weather I am realizing how much time I will NOT have in the next few months. I have missed my monthly update for may… the first time I have not been able to update since I have come to Latvia. My commitment is to not make that a habit, I promise! I am sorry to anyone who has been waiting for it.

We have been spending a lot of time working on scheduling and preparing material for all the aspects of the summer in the past few weeks. It has been a lot of work, but also gets me very excited to “get the party started”, so to speak! (I know I am a retard!)
But truly I am so stoked about the camps, the Interns, the American high school teams, and of course the Latvian teens that will be involved this summer!!! This is such a sweet way to live life! Let me tell you!

Personally and spiritually it has been quite bumpy if I am honest. I have had some really amazing breakthroughs and some really amazing time with my Jesus in the past few weeks, but there have also been some pretty low times also. I have been struggling through an area of my spiritual life that need a major transformation.

These are the thoughts that go through my head daily:

“God is not really good”
“God is not able”
“God will not answer”
“God will not come through on this one”
“It can happen for others, but not for me”

I know that Jesus is with me, but I don’t believe it.
I know that Jesus loves me, but I don’t believe it.
I know that Jesus is my protector, but I don’t believe that he will.
I know that Jesus is my provider, but I don’t believe he will, or if he does it will be in a way I don’t want!

I am realizing the major pain it causes me and those around me, and especially my Jesus when I live only in the knowledge of Him and not in the full belief of who he says he is and what he says he will do!
I find myself wanting to delete this as I write it because I am sitting here in Latvia as a missionary telling you that I don’t believe in God! How can that be?
But I do believe that if anyone really stepped back and looked at life and life with God all could agree with me that IT IS A FIGHT TO BELIEVE GOD!

So I am taking steps to push myself to experience him in whom he says he is. That is that hard part though, and very scary for me at time, and definitely lonely at times. But even as I write this there have been break throughs and experiences with Him that bring so much joy to my heart I cannot stop smiling as I write this!

So that is a little about me.

About the next three months… I would love to promise consistent updates, but I cannot as I already see me time running away from me. But I do promise to try my best to keep you as involved as possible with the ministry this summer through this blog.
In a few days I will be posting a schedule and some things about the summer you can be praying for.

Please e-mail me anytime if you want to know more, or just leave a comment as my dear friend Danielle did on the last post, reminding me that people actually do read this!
;) Thanks D.
Thanks for taking the time!
Thank you for your love and support!

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