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Riga, Latvia
what to say... I love Latvia, I love people, and I love Jesus!!! Serving as a "lover of people" in Latvia with Josiah Venture.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Just some great thoughts...

I have been reading a book that I would suggest everyone should read right now. My mom gave it to me for Christmas and I have not been able to get it off of my mind! It is just a book with so much truth that you can’t help but think deeply of it all the time!
It is called

The Ragamuffin Gospel
by Brennen Manning.

Here is one of a hundred places I have underlined…ahhh I is soo coooool!

“When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes. I believe and I doubt, I hope and I get discouraged, I love and I hate, I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. I am trusting and suspicious. I am honest and I still play games. Aristotle said, “I am a rational animal”; I say I am an angel with a incredible capacity for beer.”

Ok ok, one more!!!

“something is radically wrong when the local church rejects a person accepted by Jesus – when a harsh, judgmental, and unforgiving sentence is passed on homosexuals; when a divorcee is denied communion; when the child of a prostitute is refused baptism. Jesus comes to the ungodly, even on Sunday morning. His coming ends ungodliness and MAKES US WORTHY.
Otherwise we are establishing at the heart of Christianity an utterly ungodly and unworthy preoccupation with works.

1 comment:

nate hughes said...

i like the comment about beer!

my name is nate. i'm a missionary with JV in Czech.

i didn't know Latvia had a new missionary until i read dave patty's email...look forward to meeting you at spring conference!