About Me

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Riga, Latvia
what to say... I love Latvia, I love people, and I love Jesus!!! Serving as a "lover of people" in Latvia with Josiah Venture.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Here it Goes!

I am off o the orphanage today (Saturday morning) this is the day that I will meet with the regional director of the orphanage and give hem my papers, and see what happens!

My hope is that they will let me freely come and work with the kids there. I am sure me speaking English is a benefit, as most everyone would like to learn English! But in return I get time with the kids and I also get time speaking and listening to a lot of Latvian, which I need desperately!

So I am praying yet again that Jesus goes in my place to this meeting and that His light and love would just shine through me! Can you pray that in all I do and say, Jesus would be the first name on my lips, the first joy that springs from my heart?
Thank you!

I will be home Sunday night! Have a blessed weekend with our Jesus!

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